Widgets & Custom Widget Areas

We would recommend enabling the Classic Widgets Panel via Theme Options > General.

You can create additional sidebars to add your own content and functionality, or to use different sidebars on different pages/posts. Navigate to  Appearance > Widgets. Fill in the Custom Sidebar title and press the Add Sidebar button.

Place necessary widgets into the newly created sidebar. Then, create your page ( Pages > Add New), and on the right side of the 8theme Layout Options choose Sidebar Position, the required Sidebar Width, and the desired Widget Area.

Main sidebar - Default sidebar for all pages and posts. 
Left side top bar area - Sidebar that appears at the left side of the top bar. You can use it for the language switcher, for share buttons, or a tel number. 
Right side top bar area - Sidebar that appears at the right side of the top bar. You can use it for the language switcher, for share buttons, or a tel number. 
Mobile side top bar area - Sidebar that appears only on mobile devices when you click on the main menu.  
Top panel - Sidebar that appears at the top of the site. You can use it to add additional information about your store.
Shop sidebar - Sidebar that appears on the Shop page. 
Filters area - Area that appears on the Shop page, above the products. Is hidden by default, but can be opened if you click the Filter button. 
After products - Area that appears on the Shop page below the products.

Single Product Page sidebar - Sidebar that appears on a Single Product Page. 

Cart area - Additional area that appears on a Cart page before a Coupon Code. Can be used for an advert. 

PreFooter - Add the content you want to display in pre-footer. We recommend using the Static Block feature and Static Block Widget to build a multicolumn layout. 

Footer Columns, Footer Copyrights - Add the content you want to display in the footer.

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